Descarga gratis Winamp v5.31!!

* Improved: [ml_disc] Smarter tagging when ripping tracks
* Improved: [in_cdda] Better CD metadata
* Improved: [in_mp3] support for reading ID3v2.4 per-frame unsynchronization
* Improved: [in_mp4] HTTP streaming support
* Improved: [in_wave] HTTP streaming support
* Improved: [in_wm] follows 24bit/mono/surround playback setting
* Fixed: loading folders via playlists
* Fixed: Shortcut icons for multi-user installations
* Fixed: Thinger icons for old wa3 skins (filereader.w5s missing)
* Fixed: truncated text in version history
* Fixed: handling of shortcuts in folders
* Fixed: [dsp_sps] simple pitch and tempo preset (thanks ujay)
* Fixed: [gen_ff] System.playFile not working on URLs
* Fixed: [in_mp3] seek from end of file
* Fixed: [in_mp3] quality issue
* Fixed: [in_mp3] random crash when writing ID3v2 tag
* Fixed: [in_mp3] incorrect track length on concatenated MP3 files
* Fixed: [in_mp3] gapless glitch
* Fixed: [in_mp3] maximum number of redirects raised to 3 to allow playback on some podcasts with crazy php scripts
* Fixed: [in_mp3] lyrics3 security vulnerability (thanks iDefense)
* Fixed: [in_mp3] ultravox security vulnerability (thanks iDefense)
* Fixed: [in_mp3] seek problems on files with multiple id3v2 tags
* Fixed: [ml_disc] ripping discs with international titles
* Fixed: [ml_local] breaks always on top for other programs
* Fixed: [ml_local] Use Library title information for Playlist Item Formatting not being followed
* Fixed: [ml_local] track number showing as 4294967295 in title
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] memory leak
* Fixed: [ml_pmp/pmp_ipod/pmp_usb] no disc in drive error message
* Fixed: [out_ds] logarithmic/hybrid volume control
* Fixed: [pmp_p4s] crash on 0-length tracks
* Fixed: [pmp_usb] bad xml writing

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